mi potete corregere qst testo?
pignataro soccer
2008-10-08 07:48:44 UTC
caro Francesco
come stai? Spero bene.
Io ho quattordici anni e abito a pignataro *******. la mia famiglia è composta da cinque persone: mio padre, i miei fratelli, mia madre ed io.
abito in via Vittorio Veneto n°314. Mio padre si chiama Domenico ed è vecchio you 46 anni. lavora come guardia carceri. mia madre si chiama graziella, è vecchia 43 anni ed è alta 1.63cm. mio fratello antonio è vecchio 17 anni e frequenta la quinta superiore. l'ultimo componente della mia famiglia si chiama emanuele ed è vecchio 6 anni.
la mia casa è di un 1 piano con 7 stanze:2 bagni 3 camere da letto una cucina e un salone. in cucina la tavola sta difronte alla televisione. il salone è a destra rispetta alla porta, e le camere da letto sono dopo i gradini.

qst è qll ke voglio scrivere in italiano
potete correggere la versione inglese

Dear Francis
how are you? I hope good.
I was fourteen years old and live in Pignataro *******. My family is composed of five people: my father, my brothers, my mother and myself.
I live in Vittorio Veneto No. 314. My father is called Domenico and you are 46 years old. works as a prison guard. My mother is called Graziella, is 43 years old and is 1.63cm high. antonio my brother is 17 years old and attended the fifth higher. the last member of my family is called emanuele and is 6 years old.
my house is a 1 level with 7 rooms: 2 bathrooms 3 bedrooms a kitchen and a living room. in the kitchen table is in front of the television. The salon is right respects at the door, and the bedrooms are following the steps.
Tredici risposte:
2008-10-08 08:24:47 UTC
Dear Francis,

how are you? I hope FINE:

I AM fourteen years old and live in Pignataro *****. My family CONSISTS OF five people: my father, my TWO brothers, my mother and ME.

I live in VIA Vittorio Veneto 314. My father is called Domenico and IS 46 years old; HE works as a prison guard. My mother is called Graziella, she is 43 years old and 1.63 METRES TALL. MY BROTHER ANTONIO is 17 years old and ATTENDS THE LAST YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL [in Inghilterra la scuola non funziona come da noi]. The last (BUT NOT LEAST) member of my family is MY 6-YEAR-OLD BROTHER Emanuele.

My house is A FIRST FLOOR ONE, AND IT HAS 7 rooms: 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. In the kitchen, THERE IS A TELEVISION SET IN FRONT OF THE TABLE [è la televisione di fronte al tavolo, non il contrario]. The salon is ON THE RIGHT OF the door, and the bedrooms are UPSTAIRS.

Insegnante di inglese. Diffidate dei traduttori
2008-10-08 16:43:30 UTC

Potevi evitare di scrivere i tuoi dati personali come l' abitazione..non fidarti troppo la prox volta evita e scrivi un indirizzo falso...

2008-10-08 15:31:24 UTC
Dear Francis,

How are you? Hope you're fine.

I'm fourteen years-old and I live in PIgnataro.

My family is composed of my father, my brothers, my mother and me.

My address is: Vittorio Veneto street, n. 314.

My father's name's Domenico; he's 4 and works as prison warder.

My mother's name's Gabriella; she's 43 and 1.63 meters tall.

My brother Antonio is 17 tears-old and attends the last year of the secondary school. My youngest brother is Emanuele, who is 6.

I live in a first-floor house with 7 rooms: 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.

In the kitchen there's a table in font of the tv.

The living room is on the right of the door; the bedrooms are in front of the steps*.

* non è chiaro. Intendevi dire che sono al piano di sopra? Ma non avevi detto che la tua casa è di un solo piano?
†°Daka LexiSse°†
2008-10-08 15:15:45 UTC
Dear Francis

how are you? I hope good.

I'm fourteen years old and I live in Pignataro *******. In my family we're five: my father, my brothers, my mother and me.

My address is: Vittorio Veneto No. 314. My father's name is Domenico and he is 46 years old, He's a prison guard. My mother's name is Graziella,she is 43 years old and she is tall 1.63cm. antonio, my brother is 17 years old and he's in the last year of high school . the last member of my family is emanuele and he is 6 years old.

my house has only a floor. there are 7 rooms: 2 bathrooms 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room.The kitchen's table is in front of the television. The living room is at the right of the door, and the bedrooms are after the stair.
2008-10-08 15:13:42 UTC
Dear Francesco, how are you? I hope you're fine.I'm fourteen years old and live in Pignataro *********. In my family we are five: my father, my mother, two brothers and me.

I live in via Vittorio Veneto n° 314. My father's name is Domenico and he is 46 years old. He works as a prison guard. My mother's name is Graziella and she is 43 years old. She is 1,63 tall. Antonio, my brother, is 17 years old and attends the fifth class of secondary school. The last component of the family is Emanuele and is 6 years old.

My house is all in 1 floor composed by 7 rooms: a livingroom, a kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. In the kitchen the table is opposite to the television. the livingroom is to the right of the door and bedrooms are just past the steps.
L a d y ✖ K i l l e r
2008-10-08 15:07:25 UTC
oddio finalmente qui c'è qualcuno che nn si fa fare i compiti in answers (come me ahahahahhah xD)

no cmq complimenti davvero fiera di una persona così in gamba
Jungle Julia
2008-10-08 15:03:54 UTC
Ciao! Parlo inglese correntemente, ti aiuto con molto piacere, puoi fidarti che così è perfetto =)

Dear Francis,

how are you? I hope you're fine.

I am fourteen years old and live in Pignataro *******. My family is composed of five people: my father, my two brothers, my mother and myself.

I live in Vittorio Veneto No. 314. My father is called Domenico, he is 46 years old and works as a prison guard. My mother is named Graziella, she' s 43 years old and is 1.63cm tall. Antonio, one of my brothers, is 17 years old and he's attending the last year at secondary school. The last member of my family is called Emanuele and is 6 years old.

My home is a ground floor house with 7 rooms: 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. In the kitchen my table is in front of the television. The living room is on the door's right side, and the bedrooms are down the steps.
certosina 65
2008-10-08 14:59:58 UTC
se era in francese, te lo avrei fatto molto volentieri, é da apprezzare che bensí pochi, ( come te)chiedono di correggerlo anziché che molti invece se li vogliono solo far fare, da altri, comunque bravo!

Ti accendo una stellina sperando che qualcuno dei miei contatti, ti aiuti, perché la buona volontà deve essere premiata¨¨
2008-10-08 14:59:10 UTC
cioè vuoi tradurre da italiano in inglese?

se sì:

Dear Francis

how are you? I hope good.

I am fourteen years old and live in Pignataro *******. My family is composed of five people: my father, my mother, my brothers, and myself.

I live in Vittorio Veneto No. 314. My father's name is Domenico and he's 46 years old. He works as a prison guard. My mother's name is Graziella, she's 43 years old and 1.63cm high. One of my brothers is Antonio, who's 17 years old and attended the fifth higher, and the other is Emanuele and he's 6 years old.

My house has 1 level with 7 rooms: 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. in the kitchen the table is in front of the television. The salon is at the right of the door and the bedrooms are following the steps.
2008-10-08 14:59:07 UTC
Dear Francis

how are you? I hope good.

I am fourteen years old and live in Pignataro *******. My family is composed of five people: my father, my brothers, my mother and I.

I live in Vittorio Veneto No. 314. My father is called Domenico, he is 46 years old and works as a prison guard. My mother is called Graziella, is 43 years old and is 1.63cm high. antonio my brother is 17 years old and attend the fifth higher. the last member of my family is called emanuele and is 6 years old.

my house is on one floor with 7 rooms: 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. in the kitchen, the table is in front of the television. The living room's right respect the door, and the bedrooms are following the stairs.
2008-10-08 14:58:59 UTC
Dear Frank.

I hope fine*

I'm fourteen yrs old ...

In my family there're (lista)

I live in 314th of vittorio veneto. My father's name's xxx nd he's 46 yrs old. He work

My mother's name's xxx she's 43 yrs old nd she's 163

he (he significa egli) no is

il resto va bene
2008-10-08 14:56:17 UTC
Dear Francis

how are you? I hope good.

I was fourteen years old and live in Pignataro *******. My family is composed of five people: my father, my brothers, my mother and myself.

I live in Vittorio Veneto No. 314. My father is called Domenico and you are 46 years old. works as a prison guard. My mother is called Graziella, is 43 years old and is 1.63cm high. antonio my brother is 17 years old and attended the fifth higher. the last member of my family is called emanuele and is 6 years old.

my house is a 1 level with 7 rooms: 2 bathrooms 3 bedrooms a kitchen and a living room. in the kitchen table is in front of the television. The salon is right respects at the door, and the bedrooms are following the steps.
2008-10-08 14:52:15 UTC
mi scoccio.

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